Meet Nigerian born and the designated Ambassador representing IIMSAM in the Federal Republic of Nigeria, H.E Samson O. Bolarin (@Sambolarin) was appointed by H.E. Ambassador At-Large Rami El Attar representing the Secretary General of IIMSAM H.E. Remigio Maradona. - Nigeria 24 hours news update

Meet Nigerian born and the designated Ambassador representing IIMSAM in the Federal Republic of Nigeria, H.E Samson O. Bolarin (@Sambolarin) was appointed by H.E. Ambassador At-Large Rami El Attar representing the Secretary General of IIMSAM H.E. Remigio Maradona.

IIMSAM the Intergovernmental Observer to the United Nations Economic and Social Council Under ECOSOC Resolution 2003/212 Dated fifth of March 2003 assigned by the United Nations Economic and Social Council Under Rule 79 of the Council's Rules and Procedures.

H.E. Mr. Samson O. Bolarin began from an unassuming beginnings however demonstrated enthusiasm for his dreams of a superior world.

He has demonstrated that he implies business with regards to Humanitarian administrations and battling close by IIMSAM against lack of healthy sustenance using miniaturized scale green growth Spirulina.

Today, H.E Samson is positively influencing what he is great at – helping other people.

In spite of the fact that he is even more a private individual for an open figure, he shows he is an achiever in the most genuine sense. He has assumed a significant job Independently overhauling networks and homes in different African nations setting altruistic occasions and furthermore sharing help to the less benefits and destitute.

H.E. Samson being one of the most up to date and most youthful Ambassador to IIMSAM is known for his altruistic works in different nations, for example, South Africa, Uganda and Malawi. He was likewise by and by perceived by the Former President of Malawi (H.E President Bakili Mulisi).

His commitments would assume a noteworthy job to check the propagation of destitution starting with one age then onto the next that outcomes as a result of lack of healthy sustenance and must be handled to meet the United Nations Millennium Development Goals.

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