Previous Trump Aide Paul Manafort Shared Campaign Info With Russia: Senate Report

Previous Trump crusade director Paul Manafort passed inner Trump battle data to a Russian knowledge official during the 2016 political race, another bipartisan Senate report finishes up.
The discoveries draw an immediate line between the president’s previous crusade director and Russian insight during the 2016 battle.
Manafort, who was later sentenced for monetary misrepresentation violations, informed Russian insight official Konstantin Kilimnik on the battle’s surveying information and how the Trump crusade tried to beat Hillary Clinton in the presidential political race.
Manafort’s association with Kilimnik was a “grave counterintelligence danger,” the report peruses, including that it discovered proof the Russian knowledge official may have been connected to the Russian government’s endeavors to hack and release Democratic Party messages.
The discoveries are a piece of the Senate Intelligence Committee’s fifth and last bipartisan report exploring Russian endeavors to meddle in the 2016 political race. This volume is fundamentally centered around counterintelligence dangers and the wide scope of Russian endeavors to impact both the Trump crusade and the political decision.
The report expands on extraordinary advice Robert Mueller’s examination — and keeping in mind that it was steady with the Mueller Report, it in certainty goes further.
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